Saturday, December 10, 2005

Up-date: Mr Lucas is allowed to talk to a lawyer about his case

The John Lucas case was returned to a justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench for the Pre-Trial Conference on December 9, 2005. I will leave out the Pre-trial judges name as I am sure that he/she would not want their good name associated with the likes of Brian Dueck, Justice Paul Hrabinsky, Justice Ted Malone or Justice Kyle.

The Honourable E. D. Bayda, Chief Justice of Saskatchewan turned down the request by The Honourable F.W. Gerein, Chief Justice of The Court of Queen’s Bench to have an Appeal Court Justice designated to hear the jury trial. The reason being was Mr Lucas potential loss of a "right to appeal".

The Honourable E. D. Bayda, Chief Justice of Saskatchewan was concerned about Mr Lucas’s "right to appeal". Chief Justice Bayda must have been concerned about Justice Kyle’s gag order that clearly had no other foundation then to protect Kyle’s “friend” justice Hrabinsky. What about Mr Lucas’s right to a fair trial?

Mr Lucas is now allowed after over two years to seek pro bono advice from any lawyer and share his files. Mr Lucas is allowed to talk to a lawyer about his case. There will be no fair trial for Mr Lucas in Saskatchewan. How about asking the Supreme Court of Canada to hear the case, give the spin doctors a run at it, again. There can be no fair trial with justice Kyle’s gag order. The gag order prevents Mr Lucas from speaking and only serves to protect a corrupt administration of justice in Saskatchewan.

With the removal of Justice Ted Malone as the trial judge at the request the Crown. The request to the Chief Justice of Saskatchewan to appoint a justice of the Court of Appeal as the Lucas trial judge and two years Mr Lucas has been trying to obtain documents from the Crown. The above alone are reason for a judicial stay. Everyone is in agreement, there are no judges left in the court of Queen’s Bench willing to hear the Lucas case. Honourable Judges will refuse the assignment.

February 16th, 2006 is the next Pre-trial date. The new trial judge, (unknown) will review a full disclosure application by John Lucas.

The jury trial date is set down for October 2nd, to 13th, 2006.

Mr Lucas has been persecuted by Saskatchewan Justice for over 12 years. The story of the three Ross children, Johanna Lucas and what happened to them in Saskatoon needs to be told.


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